Our service trigger is 2” (roughly). Follow-up visits are included with our service and will vary depending on the size of storm. We will back up to about a foot away from the garage, lower the Industrial snow blower and scrape right down to the concrete, leaving a nice clean surface as we pull away. The snow will be blown into your yard and not disturb your neighbors or create piles like snow plows leave. This usually takes 1-5 minutes. If vehicles are parked in the driveway, snow will only be cleared from areas we can access. Our equipment is 7’ wide and 10’ tall, objects such as basketball hoops and temporary gutters/downspouts that may be in the way must be moved before the season starts. If we have a record breaking snow fall and run out of space on your property for snow storage, we may have to make arrangements with your neighbor.



We currently do not offer shoveling services unless specifically requested. We are only focused on removing the bulk from your driveway.


We try to mitigate the use of salt as much as possible as this is expensive for both parties, kills grass and is time-added. We only believe it is necessary to salt walkways and very steep driveways. We do not offer salting services at this time.


We (Innovative Snow Removal LLC) will not be held liable or responsible for any items left on the driveway underneath the snow that became damaged from our equipment. We are a fully insured company and in the event of damage to your property caused by an employee of Innovative Snow Removal, you will be fully compensated. We are not liable for any damage to the driveway surface such as; chipped or uneven sections of driveway, holes, or scratches. We do not guarantee a slip free surface after each service and shall not be held liable for any personal injuries, slips or falls. We shall be permitted to remove snow from your property at any time. This contract’s term is from November 1 to April 20. We will install border and driveway markers/signage prior to the season start. If you do not wish to have our advertising signs in your yard please let us know and we will remove them.